Outsourced Transfer Pricing Services

Transfer Pricing Services

Transfer pricing services refer to the assistance and expertise provided by professional firms to help multinational companies determine and comply with the appropriate transfer prices for transactions between their related entities. Transfer pricing refers to the prices at which goods, services, or intangible assets are exchanged between different entities within the same multinational group. These transactions can include sales of goods, services, royalties, management fees, and other intercompany arrangements. The main objective of transfer pricing is to ensure that these transactions are conducted at arm's length, meaning the prices charged are similar to what unrelated parties would charge in a comparable transaction. This is important for tax purposes, as tax authorities aim to prevent multinational companies from artificially shifting profits to lower-tax jurisdictions, thus reducing their overall tax liabilities.
Transfer pricing services include
Documentation and Compliance
Preparing and maintaining transfer pricing documentation as required by Indian regulations to support the arm's length principle for international transactions
Benchmarking Analysis
Conducting detailed benchmarking studies to compare the international transactions with similar uncontrolled transactions, ensuring transfer pricing compliance.
Advance Pricing Agreements (APAs)
Assisting in obtaining APAs with the tax authorities to provide certainty and reduce transfer pricing disputes.
Intangible Asset Transfer Pricing
Evaluating and pricing the transfer of intellectual property and intangible assets within the group.